Dr. Don Harris, founder of Harris Integrative Health & Nutrition, is dedicated to educating patients/people about the curative and preventative health benefits of improving their nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle habits. With over thirty years of clinical nutrition experience, Dr. Harris has seen the amazing results people achieve when given the correct knowledge and support. Dr. Harris speaks to groups large and small, throughout the country about the tremendous benefits that can be realized with targeted nutrition and lifestyle choices. He also enjoys working with individuals, one on one, in person or online ranging from those who are healthy and wanting to stay fit, to those who are extremely ill. People who have illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases benefit from targeted nutrition and lifestyle choices. Dr. Harris has helped clients around the world overcome their health problems using his thoroughly researched and carefully applied, personalized, nutritional/lifestyle/environmental enhancing programs.
Dr. Harris has experienced firsthand how traditional medicine lacks many of the answers that people who experience chronic or life threatening diseases need. He himself has Leukemia. He has tremendous respect for traditional medicine but believes an integrative approach to the treatment of illnesses is essential. That is why he has devoted his professional life in treating people with traditional and alternative methods to give them the best health care. His hope is to bring an integrative approach to health care and give people who suffer from chronic or life threatening diseases a better understanding and choices to assist them in making the best available decisions for their life. He is achieving this through his online practice, shows and lectures.
Dr. Harris is the host of “Out of the Box”, a cable/internet show dedicated to identifying various health issues and diseases, and how better choices can help alleviate or cure them. He also hosts a bimonthly informative internet program “Five to Thrive”. Dr. Harris has written a book "Our Modern Mortal Trinity", discussing how diet, lifestyle and environment influence virtually every known disease. Dr. Harris is unique in that he works with you from beginning to completion of your specially designed program, supporting you along every step. He has helped clients locally and globally overcome health problems using thoroughly researched and carefully applied personalized nutritional/lifestyle enhanced programs.