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Provider Information:
Website: athletixsportsperformance
Business: Athletix Sports Performance
About Us

Whether you are an athlete looking to improve physically and get ready for your sport, looking to get back in shape, lose a few pounds, or just improve your overall fitness level - Athletix Sports Performance can help!

Our athletes get exceptional results from blending proper nutritional recommendations based on their targeted goals, sport or personal specific training and conditioning, but most importantly… by avoiding the mistakes that the average gym goer makes on an almost daily basis. With our training programs, we focus on numerous training methods to help each athlete reach their peak conditioning goals through strength, flexibility and speed training. We strive to train each athlete and individual with safety in mind, teaching the correct lifting mechanics and posture awareness to help avoid injuries from training, thus allowing the athlete to continue progress toward their goals. Athletix Sports Performance Training focuses on building each athlete, or individual, into their best body and "Stay Ahead of the Competition.'

Our training may include, but not limited to:

- Nutritional programs and education, supplement recommendations

- Multifaceted strength training using various equipment, techniques in a progressive manner

- Dynamic muscle activation

- Multi-Directional and Multi-Planar functional, sport-specific strength and mobility training

- Explosive power and strength training

- Speed, Agility and Quickness training

- Flexibility/Mobility and Active Recovery

- Aerobic Conditioning and Stamina training

- Plyometrics

- Active and Passive Therapeutic Recovery

- Coaching and Education

- Soft Tissue Mobilization, manual stretching and general massage

Meet our staff

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