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Provider Site:  dralbertovilloldo - (change)
Provider Information:
Website: dralbertovilloldo
Name: Alberto Villoldo
About Us


The Light Body School offers the world's most thorough training in the philosophy and practice of energy medicine. In our courses you learn the ancient wisdom teachings of the Americas together with cutting-edge neuroscience.

At the heart of the shamanic teachings is the "Light Body" or Luminous Energy Field (LEF). When we access the wisdom in our LEF to clear the imprints for disease, we can bring about healing, transformation, and well-being to ourselves, our families, and our clients.

Over the last 25 years the Four Winds Society has trained more than 10,000 students in the art and craft of shamanic energy medicine. Our students come from all walks of life--scientists, construction workers, nurses, doctors, psychologist, massage therapists, and others. We want to help persons respond to their calling to heal themselves and to dream a new world into being!

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