Rugg Wellness was formed by the partnership of a 30 year veteran Medical Doctor, trained in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine and his wife with 15 years experience as a health coach trained in Integrative Nuitrition, instructor in Healthy Habits and Co-Founder (along with her husband) of Pinnacle Wellness Resources.Chronic conditions such as: + Heart disease + Diabetes + Arthritis + Stress + Gut issues + Obesity + Sleep problems + Depression + And more...Are you staring down the barrel of one these?Are you afraid of not being well enough to enjoy the life you've dreamt of and have worked so hard for?Are you currently active and healthy and want to stay that way?There are solutions!Solutions include: + Medical consultations and full treatment plans + Lab and diagnostic testing + Nutritional therapy and diet analysis + Health coaching sessions and 6 month wellness makeovers + Grocery store tours to de-junk your kitchen and healthy supplementsPatti raised 4 kids while Peter worked all hours as a doctor of emergency medicine so they both know first hand what it's like to not have the time to create lasting health changes. Together they formed Rugg Wellness, using their extensive combined knowledge to create something even greater than they could each do on their own.The whole is always worth more than the sum of its parts, at Rugg Wellness you are treated as a whole person ready and able to regain and maintain a vibrant and active life full of vitality through your Golden Years!Our clients see so many of their generation suffering from chronic diseases, disabled, and languishing in assisted living or nursing homes. They want more...and rightly so.Rugg Wellness and our solutions work hard to keep you healthy as you age. Our solutions allow you to stay healthy so you can live a life of travel and adventure enjoying family and friends, or maybe just the ability to still enjoy your home and work in the garden surrounded by love and dignity long into the future.Rugg Wellness is here to make that future happen.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.