For more information, please call 424-209-8560
Provider Site:  yogascholarnutritionist - (change)
Provider Information:
Website: yogascholarnutritionist
Business: The Yoga Scholar Nutritionist
Name: Kathleen Gervind
Phone: 424-209-8560
About The Yoga Scholar Nutritionist

The Yoga Scholar Nutritionist.

What I do...

The Yoga Scholar Nutritionist (YSN) is a mastered online clinical nutritionist and integrative health consultant. Online nutrition consultations are performed via a HIPAA compliant patient portal and secure text messaging software.

Why healthy people take vitamins...

Knowledge of prevention is essential to abate most health disparities, particularly obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The National Institutes of Health states, "People who are healthy take dietary supplements." Therefore, I encourage my clients to replete their nutritional deficiencies with vitamins and supplements delineated by evidenced-based scientific research.

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Office Location and Hours:
The Yoga Scholar Nutritionist
2052 S. Bundy Drive PMB 1037
Los Angeles, California, 90025, 
    Contact Us
Office Hours - notes
Mon:10:00 - 7:00
Tue:10:00 - 7:00
Wed:10:00 - 7:00
Thu:10:00 - 7:00
Fri:10:00 - 7:00
Sat:9:00 - 5:00
Sun:10:00 - 4:00
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